
Frozen in the East

     New York has to be one of the most unique, diverse, busy, yet so enticing and mesmerizing places I have ever been. From the minute we got off the plane as we entered through the outskirts of this concrete jungle, car horns, people, snow, and more people. It truly has an energy of its own and the ability to become invisible amongst the crowds made for a great opportunity to take photos.

The best travel partners. Down for anything, beautiful muses trooping through long days of walking in snow and posing for photos. Thank you Jordan for being an amazing tour guide. L to R: Keri Kubota, Jordan Anderson

The best travel partners. Down for anything, beautiful muses trooping through long days of walking in snow and posing for photos. Thank you Jordan for being an amazing tour guide. L to R: Keri Kubota, Jordan Anderson

     Driving up to Canada for dinner was beautiful and incredible. To go from Manhattan, through New Jersey and Pennsylvania, back into New York, then into Canada was an adventure in itself. I loved going from the heart of the city literally we drove through Times Square yelling our heads off, then seeing the Delaware Water Gap and where part of the Appalachian Trail starts up, watching your best friend watch it snow for the first time in her life, then crossing the border to see the falls at night. The power of the falls at night is only magnified in the day time as we all stood wordless at how beautiful the morning light shined over Niagara Falls.

     The first major city I would gladly return to. The people, the food, the culture, broadway shows, and everything else New York has to offer was so different from anything else I've experienced. It gave me a new appreciation for being able to live on Hawaiian time, gave me an appreciation for warm weather and the beautiful beaches, I do miss being able to get pizza, hot dogs, at random hours of the day. New York was one of the best adventures; thank you again Keri and Jordan for the mucho good vibes!

Brendan Monahan